Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spring Libations

“Artfully crafted,” he gasped, the words escaping as the refreshing sigh following a long sip on a hot day, “sublime, subtle, everything you could ask for in a high quality brew.”
Smoke drifted from the nostrils of his companion, slow and meandering, catching the glimmering light of the late spring afternoon as it coiled towards the ceiling.  “Hopped just right, smooth, golden and drinkable; yes sublime, that sums it up.”  A thoughtful silence fell, or rather floated down and moments crawled by noticed only by the clock.
Photo by Allison Swift Zercher
“Have you been stirring the kettle, it should be almost done steeping.”  Attention redirected itself; eyes shifted following the smoke and came to rest on a giant silver pot.  The reflections of two men, distorted by the contours and smudges, vibrated seeming to boil along with the fragrant liquid hidden within.  Movements were natural, unpracticed but controlled, as the lid was removed and placed on the top of the giant pot bellied stove.  Cigarette left to burn the companion peered over the rim, took in the pungent sweet aroma of the malts and removed a muslin bag full of spent grains.
“A great sweet wort almost the color of the sun coming through that window there.”  We should remember that when we name it.”  The other not really listening as he brought the liquid to his lips, cooled it, and slurped it cautiously.  Looking down at the empty bowl of the spoon a noticeable excitement came over him.  “This is the reason for alchemists and witches, the cauldrons places on the fires of the past.”  The companion stopped dripping the grain bag on the floor and took a sip from the spoon.    
The effect of two people content in their work and the languid affects of late spring air combined themselves, controlled the hands of these two half hypnotized brewers.  Hops were added to the fragrance wafting through the room and they settled at the table, glasses refilled.  “Watch the twilight glowing over the hills; growing like the head on this fine ale.”
The sun rose the next morning clearly illuminating bottles, waiting patiently, maturing into the next nights libations.  “This new ale,” spoken through a bluish cloud, “it will be our finest yet, a testament to the spring, a joyous celebration of the coming summer and a pleasure to drink, I think.”
“The correct glassware, it would seem, an imperial pint,” the sound of clinking glass, the slow pouring, and the hiss of carbonation leaping free, “cheers to the next brew, and all our others to boot.”  Condensation snaked down the sides forming rings on the table as the flavors were analyzed.  “Our best yet, a majestic brew worthy of the finest taprooms.”  Two glasses drained, and then full again, then left half full; two rings lacing the sides.  “The recipe, my friend, for the books and the future.”  Pockets turned inside out, drawers emptied, but the two sitting had in their hands only the glinting of sunlight off of their beers.     


  1. I never thought to make a story with beer as the main idea, but you write really descriptive. Very nice story!

  2. Really interesting concept! I have to say, sometimes when I am drinking wine or beer I occasionally think about how it's crafted. This story gave me some insight!

  3. Very descriptive, really painted a great mental picture.

  4. Excellent choice of words throughout the whole story. It was very descriptive.

  5. Great post! It made me even more excited for the new seasons that are right around the corner.

  6. I like your word choice. It's descriptive in ways that leave me intrigued and uneasy at the same time.

  7. Amazing choice of words to bring the reader right into the heart of the story!

  8. So fitting I happen to be drinking a beer while reading this.

  9. Very cool story Matt. I like all the details. It really helps me as a reader visualize everything that is going on.

  10. Like this a lot matt, this really blends well together. Knew you had this in you
